this is the lars petrus method it's all about building blocks of the Rubik's corners and edges lars petrus he is the 4th person of the world cube association in 1982 with time of 24.57
visit the website it's and learn the method if u like it on :


it's me with a nice record :).

hey it's me Jameel with a nice record 47.29 :) let's see .

program for playing rubik's cube on pc's.

Hi it's me Jameel i installed a program called gabba soft for Rubik's cube it's amazing
you can play a Rubik's cube easily and also you can choose any Rubik's cube you prefer
like 2×2×2 Rubik's cube and 3×3×3 cube even you can choose a 20*20×20 it's a nice software and here is the link to down load but this link is for demo version so u can choose from 2×2×2 cube to 20×20×20 :

Nakaji, The best Speedcuber Ever!

Hi guys this is the best Rubik's speed cubing video ever. This is yu nakajima he is from japan he took 6.57 sec to solve the rubik's let's see :):

Rubik's Cube Solve Under 2 Minutes

It has been only 2 weeks and i now can solve it in 45! sec. this is the first video for cubing so i was a beginner so i took 1.50 to solve it. do let's see:).

Just to remind you guys. This is the beginner layer method. And i am now learning Jessica Friedrich's method.